The activities of WAIE are overseen by the member-volunteer Leadership Team
WAIE members vote for the WAIE Chair position annually while all other positions are appointed by the Chair in consultation with the leadership team. Open positions are published in the WAIE Newsletter when vacant and applications are solicited from the general membership. 


Chair: Colleen Hutchinson
[email protected]
Chair-Elect Term: 2023-2024
Chair Term: 2024-2025



Colleen is the Associate Director for Advising Services at UW-Madison.

She earned her B.S. at State University of New York (SUNY) Fredonia and her M.A. at the University of Limerick. After studying abroad in Spain and living in Ireland for her master’s degree, Colleen started her career in International Education at the University of North Dakota as an ISS Advisor. After 2 years she moved to Madison, WI to be an advisor, and eventually moved to Senior Advisor and now Associate Director.

In her free time Colleen enjoys baking, hiking, and playing with her 2 cats. She also enjoys running and is training for a 10K this year, but maybe will explore other races in the future, like a half marathon!

Past Chair: Erika Cuevas
Fox Valley Technical College
[email protected]
Chair-Elect Term: 2022-2023
Chair Term: 2023-2024

Erika Cuevas is the International Student Recruitment Coordinator and PDSO at Fox Valley Technical College.

She been working in a variety of roles in International Education for the last 10 years and currently serves on the AIRC membership committee as well as StudyWisconsin.

She earned her master’s degree in TESOL from Edgewood College. In her free time, Erika enjoys spending time with her family, cooking, hiking, and reading

Chair-Elect: Vacant

Positon open for application. APPLY for this WAIE team position!

Treasurer : Allisen Stojanovic
Fox Valley Technical College
[email protected]
Term: 2024-2027

Profile coming soon!

ISSS Regulations Representative: Jennifer Taylor
[email protected]
Term: 2024-2027

Jennifer Taylor is the Director of the International Faculty and Staff Services office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  She has been with the International Faculty and Staff Services office since 2007.  She specializes in all non-student immigration issues, such as filing permanent residency and other immigration applications for the majority of the Universities of Wisconsin’s employees.  Prior to joining the University, Jennifer worked as an attorney for a law firm in Madison.  Before attending law school, she work for the University of Wisconsin System Administration, in the Office of General Counsel.  It was there she was first exposed to the world of immigration.  She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School and the University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

When she’s not at work, she enjoys spending time with her two children, being active outdoors and traveling.

ISSS Programming Representative: Megan Harris
Carroll University
[email protected]
Term: 2025-2028

Megan Harris is the Director of Community Culture and Student Experience and the PDSO at Carroll University. She has worked in the field of International Education since 2014 and has been at Carroll since 2015. At different times during her career at Carroll, she has managed international enrollment, education abroad and international student services. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse and completed her graduate program in Educational Leadership at the University of St. Thomas. Megan looks forward to working with the WAIE community to find innovative and efficient ways to support our international students and scholars.

Education Abroad Representative: Alli Reed
St. Norbert College
[email protected]
Term: 2023-2026

Alli Reed is the Study Abroad & Off-Campus Programs Advisor at St. Norbert College in De Pere, WI. 
Alli earned her B.A. in International Studies, Spanish & Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and her M. Ed. in International Higher Education at Loyola University-Chicago. During her undergraduate career, she studied abroad in Cuba and Spain, and during her graduate studies she studied abroad in Vietnam and Italy. Prior to getting into the field of international education, Alli spent a brief period at the K-12 level teaching Spanish and ESL.
In her free time, she enjoys outdoor activities with her husband like biking, rollerblading, and pickleball.

Two-Year Institution Representative: Dilyn Riesterer
Madison Area Technical College
[email protected]
Term: 2023-2026

Dilyn is the International Student & Education Abroad Specialist at Madison College.

 Dilyn earned her M.S. in Global Higher Education from the University of Wisconsin Madison and has been working in the field since 2016. She has a variety of experiences working in Study Abroad and International Student Services and has been enjoying her role at a community college since October 2021.

 Dilyn values quality time with family and friends, enjoys fun game nights, and loves to spend free weekends at a cabin, with good coffee and engaging books.   

ESL Representative: Daniel Wagner
[email protected]
Term: 2021-2025

Daniel Wagner is an ESL instructor and student support staff member at the Wisconsin ESL Institute.

Daniel graduated from Valparaiso University in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in English and TESOL. Later, he returned to Valparaiso and earned his master’s in TESOL in 2015. Daniel has spent three years living in China. He taught undergraduate and graduate students at Zhejiang University of Technology in Hangzhou, China, and he helped develop a pathway program for engineering students who were interested in continuing their education in the United States at Dalian Jiaotong University in Dalian, China.

In 2017, Daniel returned to the United States and worked in various institutions in Wisconsin. He was the director of the English Language Institute at Concordia University, and he is currently teaching a range of classes at WESLI and developing new international programs.

In his free time, Daniel enjoys camping and riding his bike on the trails in Madison, WI.

Social Media & Website: Samantha Rosario
Fox Valley Technical College
[email protected]
Term: 2024-2027

Samantha Rosario is the Study Abroad Manager at Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton, WI. 

Samantha earned her B.A. in International Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and her Masters in International Management from Colorado State University-Global. During her journey in International Education, she traveled to several countries and lived abroad in the Dominican Republic. She also teaches Spanish classes on the side, employing her experience and language skills.

In her free time, she is obsessed with reading, building puzzles, and spending time with her husband, 2 daughters, and 4 pets (2 dogs and 2 cats).

Membership & Communications Coordinator/Head of the Grants and Awards Committee: Nina Elskamp
[email protected]
Term: 2019-2025

Nina Elskamp joined the International Programs Office at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville in January of 2010 and is currently serving as the Exchange Coordinator. She brings to the office her experience both as an employee since October of 2004 and as a student, graduating with her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science with an emphasis in Agribusiness.

As the Exchange Coordinator, Nina provides immigration and personal advising for international exchange students and scholars on J-1 visas as well as supporting international students on F-1 visas. She also advises UW-Platteville students participating in exchange programs at partner institutions abroad. Nina serves as a Designated School Official (DSO) and Alternate Responsible Officer (ARO).

Nina’s hobbies include riding horses and competing in dressage competitions, cycling, and spending time with her daughter, friends, and family.

Recruitment and Admissions Representative: Vacant

Positon open for application. APPLY for this WAIE team position!

WAIE Registered Agent & WAIE Chair Stream Emeritus: Stephanie Belmas
Madison Area Technical College
[email protected]
Former Roles: Chair 2013-2015; ISSS Regulatory Representative; Membership Coordinator; Two-Year College Representative
The Registered Agent does not technically serve on the WAIE Leadership Team, but simply functions as the organization’s official addressee on the records of the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions (DFI). Accordingly, the Registered Agent receives an annual reminder that WAIE needs to file a report to inform the state that WAIE, Inc. continues to exist and to provide a list of the current Leadership Team members.

Stephanie is the Senior International Student Specialist for Madison College. She began working in International Student Services in 2000 at UW-Madison and was hired by Madison College in 2008 to start their international student program.

Among other adventures, she has played rugby in Scotland, sold fruit in Switzerland, and backpacked in Tasmania. Having been involved with WAIE in a variety of roles over the years, including serving as WAIE Chair in 2014, she is pleased to serve as Registered Agent to assist with maintaining continuity of records for WAIE, Inc.

currently open waie leadership positionS (see descriptions below)

  • Chair-Elect
  • Recruitment and Admissions Representative



Chair Stream

Term: Three years (Year 1 is chair-elect, Year 2 is chair, and Year 3 is past-chair)

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and one or more of the following criteria: previous experience on WAIE Leadership Team, previous leadership in NAFSA, or previous leadership in another professional organization in the field of international education.

Appointment: The Chair-Elect shall be elected by the Wisconsin Association of International Educators (WAIE) Membership. After serving as Chair-Elect for one year, the Chair-Elect shall automatically become the Chair, without need for an additional vote by the members. After serving as Chair for one year, the Chair shall automatically become the Past Chair, without any need for an additional vote by the members. The Past Chair will serve for one year.

Responsibilities: The Chair Stream serves as a resource for all WAIE members. The chair-elect assists the current WAIE chair and helps plan the NAFSA Region V conference. The chair of WAIE has responsibility for overall State Conference program content and overall state business. The past-chair assists the current WAIE chair and represents WAIE at NAFSA Advocacy Day. All chair positions help appoint vacant WAIE Leadership Team positions and select grant recipients.

In addition to being a key part of the WAIE Leadership Team, the WAIE Chair represents WAIE to Region V NAFSA: Association of International Educators.* The Region V Team meets in the winter once per year at the site of the next Regional Conference, once at the annual NAFSA conference, and again at the regional conference as well as communicates via e-mail throughout the year. Attendance at these meetings is required. Also required is attendance at the Region V conference held during each of the years of service.

*If NAFSA requires the WAIE Representative to Region V to be a NAFSA member, and the WAIE Chair is not a NAFSA member, s/he may designate a WAIE leadership team member who is a member of NAFSA to represent WAIE at the Region V team meetings.

Qualifications/Skills Needed: Working knowledge of WAIE and its history; leadership skills required; conference planning and/or program development skills are preferred

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

ESL Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility:  Prior membership in WAIE and experience in administering and/or teaching ESL is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The ESL Representative serves as a resource for WAIE members with questions about English as a Second Language programs, making referrals to relevant resources and individuals, as needed.  The ESL Representative will 1) encourage other ELL professionals in Wisconsin to submit high quality session proposals regarding ESL teaching and programming for the state conference, 2) encourage communication between ESL professionals within the membership, and 3) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Qualifications / Skills Needed: The ESL representative must have experience in administering and/or teaching ESL.  They must also have support and encouragement of their home institution to carry out the ESL State Representative’s responsibilities.

Other Requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Education Abroad Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and relevant experience in the Education Abroad field is required.

Appointment: By the Chair 

Responsibilities: The Education Abroad (EA) Representative serves as a resource for WAIE members with questions about education abroad programs, making referrals to relevant resources and individuals, as needed. The EA representative will 1) encourage other EA professionals in Wisconsin to submit high quality session proposals regarding Education Abroad topics for the state conference, 2) encourage communication between EA professionals within the membership 3) co-facilitate or identify a facilitator for the Education Abroad pre-conference workshop at the state conference, 4) and develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Qualifications Needed: Experience with study abroad program advising and coordination.

Other Requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Admissions/Recruitment Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and relevant experience in the international admissions, recruitment, or enrollment management is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The Admission/Recruitment representative serves as a resource for WAIE members with questions about international enrollment management, admissions, and recruitment, making referrals to relevant resources and individuals, as needed. The Admissions/Recruitment representative will 1) encourage other international admission/recruitment professionals in Wisconsin to submit high quality session proposals regarding international enrollment management topics for the state conference, 2) encourage communication between international admission/recruitment professionals within the membership, and 3) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Qualifications Needed: Experience with international enrollment management, admission, and/or recruitment.

Other Requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

ISSS Programming Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and experience in coordinating programming for F and J international students and/or scholars is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The ISSS Programming Representative serves as a resource for WAIE members with questions about programming for F and J students/scholars, making referrals to relevant resources and individuals, as needed. The ISSS Regulations Representative will 1) encourage other ISSS professionals in Wisconsin to submit high quality session proposals regarding international student and scholar programming for the state conference, 2) encourage communication between ISSS professionals within the membership 3) co-facilitate or identify a facilitator for one regulatory pre-conference workshop at the state conference, and 5) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Qualifications/Skills Needed: Experience coordinating ISSS programming.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

ISSS Regulations Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and experience in advising F and J international students and/or scholars on visa regulations is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The ISSS Regulations Representative serves as a resource for WAIE members with questions about F and J visa regulations, making referrals to relevant resources and individuals, as needed. The ISSS Regulations Representative will 1) encourage other ISSS professionals in Wisconsin to submit high quality session proposals regarding international student and scholar regulatory topics for the state conference, 2) encourage communication between ISSS professionals within the membership 3) co-facilitate or identify a facilitator for one regulatory pre-conference workshop at the state conference, 4) coordinate the annual What’s Up, Wisconsin? (WUW) schedule and oversee the annual updating of WUW materials/forms, and 5) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Qualifications/Skills Needed: Working knowledge of F and J visa regulations and familiarity with F and J regulatory resources.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Two-Year Institution Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and experience working as an international educator in a two-year college.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: will 1) provide outreach to two-year colleges with the goal of increasing both membership and conference attendance within the state, 2) encourage communication between WAIE members who are international education professionals working at two-year institutions, 3) encourage the use of and participation in workshops, consultations and other WAIE services among two-year institutions, 4) encourage the development of program proposals from two-year institutions for the state conference, and 5) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Skills needed: Experience working for and in developing programming for international students or education abroad at a community college or two-year institution.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

K-12 Representative

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE and experience working as an international educator in a K-12 institution.

Appointment: By the Chair

The K-12 Representative will 1) provide outreach to K-12 schools with the goal of increasing both membership and conference attendance within the state, 2) encourage communication between WAIE members who are international education professionals working at K-12 institutions, 3) encourage the use of and participation in workshops, consultations and other WAIE services among K-12 institutions, 4) encourage the development of program proposals from K-12 institutions for the state conference, and 5) develop and/or support other professional development activities for WAIE membership.

Skills needed: Experience working for and in developing programming for international students or education abroad at a K-12 institution.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Social Media and Website Coordinator

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The Social Media/Website Coordinator will 1) maintain/manage the WAIE web site, 2) maintain/manage the WAIE social media accounts, 3) create online forms for WAIE conference registration and surveys, RSVPs, membership renewal, What’s Up, Wisconsin sign up, etc., 4) serve as a resource for those with questions about access to and/or use WAIE online forms, 5) advise the WAIE Team on technical issues related to conference planning and other team efforts and initiatives, 6) manage/maintain WAIE Leadership Team and WAIE Members Shared Resources Google Drive folders, 7) identify individuals who can contribute to conference sessions and training efforts, and 8) help WAIE maximize its use of technology.

Skills Needed: Working knowledge of social media, interest in technology and online tools, ability to learn quickly, attention to detail, experience working with or interest in website content management.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Membership and Communications Coordinator

Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The Membership and Communications Coordinator is responsible for managing activities that promote new and continuing membership in WAIE and ensuring reliable and prompt communication to the membership.  The Membership and Communications Coordinator will 1) recruit academic institutions, organizations and individuals to become WAIE members, 2) process new membership applications and welcome new members to the organization, 3) maintain and update the membership list as needed, 4) collaborate with the Social Media/Website Coordinator regarding online membership applications and communication tools, 5) send communication to members regarding the annual conference, WAIE updates, international education job openings, and other relevant international education information, and 6) encourage non-members who attend the annual conference and other WAIE activities to become WAIE members.

Skills Needed: Strong communication skills, basic database skills and knowledge, strong organizational skills, high attention to detail.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.


Term: Three years, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial three-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE is required.

Appointment: By the Chair

Responsibilities: The Treasurer has primary responsibility for managing, monitoring and reporting on WAIE’s finances. This responsibility includes access to the WAIE bank account for the purposes of issuing reimbursement of expenses, making payments, and making awards. The Treasurer will oversee all financial transactions, reconcile finances, and assist with budget planning based on access to current balances and past allowances. S/he will prepare financial reports for the WAIE Leadership Team at each team meeting, as well as upon request of the Chair. The Treasurer will also provide to WAIE’s Registered Agent information needed to submit an annual report to the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions and submit WAIE’s tax e-postcard (with the support of WAIE’s tax attorney).

Skills Needed: Familiarity with/interest in monitoring finances and setting/managing budgets, strong organizational skills, high attention to detail.

Other requirements: Members of the Leadership Team work to identify potential members and encourage membership in WAIE, assist in WAIE Conference planning, facilitate or identify a facilitator for at least one What’s Up, Wisconsin? per year. Attendance at both the annual state conference and spring and summer planning meetings are required of all WAIE Leadership Team members.

Conference Planner

Term: One year, with opportunity for renewing annually following initial one-year term.

Eligibility: Prior membership in WAIE is required. Experience with conference and/or event planning. Previous participation in the WAIE annual conference or similar conference.

Appointment: By the Chair. Submit an online application by January 13, 2019. Position begins late January.

Responsibilities:  The Conference Planner is a member of the WAIE Leadership Team.  The Conference Planner works closely with the WAIE Chair to serve as the main coordinator for the annual conference to ensure coordination of the following:

  • Publicity
  • Conference center logistics and hotel room blocks
  • Catering
  • AV needs
  • Schedule and room assignments
  • Conference program
  • Signage: Registration, Session Signs, etc.
  • Conference budget (submit all proposed expenditures to the Chair and Treasurer for approval)

Skills Needed: Strong organizational skills, high attention to detail, event planning and project management; strong communication skills

Other requirements:  Ideally the Conference Planner will reside or work in or near Madison, WI, where the conference will take place.  Those who live or work outside of the Madison area are still welcome to apply. All WAIE Leadership Team members are required to attend both the annual WAIE conference and the spring and summer WAIE Leadership Team meetings.

Former WAIE Chairs

Past Chair: Rachel Haos
Alverno College
[email protected]
Chairstream Term: 2018-2021
Former Roles: Treasurer 2016-2018
Past Chair: Sara Friar
Edgewood College
Chairstream Term: 2017-2020
Former Roles: Membership Coordinator 2013-2017
Past Chair: Sarah Christensen
UW-Fox Valley
Chairstream Term: 2016-2019
Former Roles: IT Liaison 2013-2016

Past Chair: Katerina Roskina
China Credential Services LLC
[email protected] 
Chairstream Term: 2019-2022
Former Roles: Admissions/Recruitment Representative 2016-2019

Past Chair: Danielle Clarizio
[email protected]
Chairstream Term: 2020-2023
Former Roles: Two-Year College Representative 2017-2019